Please click here if you are looking for a club near you. |
Officers and Board of Directors |
NCC Executive Board Members |
Brandon Taylor
presidentncc@ncc56.com |
Brandon had been over the years called many things from The Village Guru to a walking Village Encyclopedia.
He has collected since he was 8 and attended his first gathering by the age 10. His Story starts with just wanting one house, the Flat of Ebenezer Scrooge….
That was all he wanted, and wouldn’t ask for any others. That didn’t last long. Now with a collection of around 700 houses his passion for the villages doesn’t
seem to be slowing down.
Brandon was the youngest member to ever join the Arkansas Villagers; which he currently has the honor of being the President for 15 Years.
Along with his duties with the Arkansas Villagers he has served on NCC executive board as the Regional Representative for Region 8 and NCC Vice President before becoming President.
Village is his life! He’s a former stock holder, a collector, a seasoned veteran of seminars for many Gatherings. In the past he wrote a regular column in the
Village D-Lights where he enjoyed sharing his knowledge.
His passion for village extends to his family as well. Brandon is married to his high school sweetheart,
Michelle (who collects Halloween Village and Winters Frost) and the father of two amazing Daughters Emma and Carly (who collect Storybook, Frozen and Mickey’s Christmas Village,
Harry Potter). Villaging is a family affair. |
Vice President
Anna McPherson
vicepresidentncc@ncc56.com |
Anna McPherson has been a villager since 1992, and a Department 56 Dickens Village collector since 1998.
A member of the Ducky 56’ers, California 56 Collectors, she most recently held the post of
New Membership Chair on the NCC board. In 2018, Anna served on the committee that hosted Sweet Home Chicago, as well as one of the spots on the home tours that followed the event.
Anna’s passion for villaging lies within the tiny details in the displays and lifelike layouts, but her true joy comes from bringing together new and legacy collectors
to encourage growth within the villaging collector community. Her husband, Marqus, is notorious for being a non-villager, but secretly knows the entire back story of each piece
in her collection… |
Bruce Lucas
treasurerncc@ncc56.com |
I began my journey in 1999 collecting Halloween. Soon I started collecting CIC and then I slowly started to collect any village piece that caught my eye.
Been a member of Arkansas Villagers for over a decade. When I designed my house I made a room for a permanent display of my village.
I split the room in two and have Halloween on one side and Christmas on the other. I have fun building and creating displays for my permanent village and seasonal displays.
I got my wife hooked finally and she collects Disney. I started picking up old Dickens pieces anywhere I can find them and have amassed a fairly good collection.
I built a display in an old chest but now I have to build another display for the rest.
My dream is to build a shop and have a display with trains permanently displayed to play with. |
Jeffery Kirchner
secretaryncc@ncc56.com |
Jeffery began collecting Department 56 in the last 1980’s with Christmas in the City seeing the detailed houses in a store window front for the holidays.
I also collect all things Christmas. My love for Christmas began as a small boy where my parents and Grand Parents always had their homes overly decorated for the holidays. The Village buildings of the village underneath
the Christmas tree at my Grandparents house with the trains my grandfather would display for the holidays. I have been a member of several clubs throughout the country and have served in several leadership positions.
I am currently a member of 2 clubs Garden State Village Collectors where is currently serve as Club President and the Village Landlords. I have also been a member of the Pyramid 56ers in Memphis.
I have served as the NCC Region 2 Representative and Currently will serve as NCC Secretary and Associate Member Coordinator. I have attended numerous Village Gatherings, including Chicago, Minnesota, Arizona, San Antonio,
San Diego, Florida, and Connecticut and have volunteered at many of them. I have developed relationships with local and National Dept. 56 Representatives and have been to the Dept 56. Showrooms many times.
I am a collector of mainly North Pole and Christmas in the City. I also collect Alpine, Dickens, Disney, Christmas Lane, Halloween and most recently Margaritaville. I also collect many other holiday items including,
Patricia Breen Designs ornaments, Ino Schaller, Byers Choice Carolers, Christopher Radko, Mark Roberts, and Mackenzie Childs, Lynn Haney Santa’s, and trains. I travel yearly to Europe to search for the latest
Christmas trends as well as several of the Christmas Markets.
NCC Regional Representatives |
Region 1
Canada - Prince Edward Island,
Newfoundland, Labrador,
Nova Scotia, Quebec, New Brunswick
Penny Miller
Penny and her husband Randy have been collecting Department 56 items since 1990. It all started when they bought Snowbabies for a friend. They soon began collecting
North Pole and then expanded with their own Snowbabies collection. Penny helped form the Pioneer Valley 56ers and was a member of the North Shore Village Association.
She followed Alice Webb as NCC Club Representative for Our 56 Club and remains in that position. She previously served as Region 1 Representative and co-chaired the2013
Northeast Harvest Gathering. From 2003 thru 2013, Penny wrote “Party Line” / “Through the Clubs’ Windows” for the NCC Bulletin and Club Connection newsletters.
She also served as NCC Webmaster for many years. Additionally, she has served as an officer in many local civic and charitable organization.
Region 2
Steven LaMantia
My wife Barbara and I have been Department 56 Village Collectors since our very first Christmas as a married couple in 1988. We received two Dickens Village buildings and accessories as gifts and have been hooked ever since.
I have been a club member of the Heritage Treasurers Collectors Club of Long Island since its inception. I currently hold the position of NCC Club Coordinator for our club. I also participate in the Charity and Membership Committees for our club. I would like to mention that I am a member the CA 56 Village Collectors, the Central Valley Collectors and D56 Collectors Clubs, as well. I love sharing my passion for collecting and displaying my village. I have conducted demonstrations and hosted make-and-take programs for my local club.
I am currently employed as an Independent Contract Mortgage Underwriter in which I specialize in affordable housing for the New York State Housing Finance Agency. At the State of New York Mortage Agency (SONYMA), we offer reduced interest rate, fixed rate mortgages for underserved, first time home buyers. We also offer down payment and closing costs grants to assist in making the dream of homeownership a reality for the deserving, first time homebuyers of our state.
My wife and I have a son Connor, who is an adult on the autism spectrum. We are usually busy shuffling him to special needs sporting or socialization events through Special Olympics and NSASA. We do our very best to ensure he leads a full and eventful life surrounded by family and friends.
I appreciate this opportunity to be more involved in the NCC and serve the clubs of Region 2 as their Representative.
Region 3
Linda Lewis
My name is Linda Lewis and I reside in Asheville, North Carolina
for the past 32 years. This is my 3rd time around as Region 3 Rep.
It's been lots of fun & sometimes a little bit of work, but I've always
enjoyed every minute of it. I collect Snow Village, halloween and
New England. I look forward to doing my best as the new (old) rep.
Region 4
Bonnie Eichholtz
My name is Bonnie Eichholtz, I live in North Lauderdale, Fl., and I’ve just been
appointed NCC Region 4 representative. Thank you for your confidence in me.
I am currently the president of The Village Landlords in Fort Lauderdale, Fl. Before becoming president, I was Hospitality Host, Secretary and Vice President.
I joined the club in 2001 after I became a Department 56 collector. My husband, Ron, bought the Haunted Mansion for me and that was the beginning of a most enjoyable hobby. My collection grew to where I held annual Halloween/Horror Open Houses. I also added winter Snow Village, New England, The Williamsburg Houses and Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, which allowed me to hold Christmas/ Holiday Open Houses. I also have some North Pole and Christmas in the City.
I was extremely honored to be named Collector of the year.
Our club holds an annual picnic in March, our Birthday/Halloween Party. In October, a Toys for Tots Campaign in November along with other enjoyable events. Our Programs Director creates many great Make n’ Takes for us to do.
I must say that becoming a Department 56 Collector and joining the Village Landlords Club has brought a lot of joy to my life. Beside the fact that it is quite an enjoyable hobby, I’ve met wonderful friends along the way and had the opportunity to attend open houses and gatherings. Attending these functions allowed be to gather new ideas and see great display talent in action
Again, thank you for your confidence and offering this position to me.
Region 5
Dan Mercurio
Dan Mercurio began embarking on a festive odyssey in 1998, I've immersed myself in the captivating realms of Department 56's Christmas in the City and Snow Village Halloween collections. Over the years, my passion for these miniature marvels has evolved into a national pursuit of enchantment.
A connoisseur of holiday cheer, I've meticulously curated my collection, transforming it into a tapestry of nostalgia and wonder. From the twinkling streets of Christmas in the City to the eerie charm of Snow Village Halloween, each piece holds a special place in my heart, embodying the spirit of the seasons.
Beyond the joy of collecting, I've become a linchpin in a vibrant community of enthusiasts. National events, online forums, and social media have been platforms for me to share stories, insights, and the sheer delight that these collections bring. Together, we've formed a tapestry of camaraderie, united by our love for these intricately crafted wonders.
As a dedicated advocate for Department 56's artistry, I am committed to fostering appreciation and understanding. Join me on this festive adventure as we unravel the magic of collecting these little village pieces.
Let's celebrate the holidays in miniature, creating memories that sparkle and stories that enchant!
Region 6
Debbie Oehme
I bought my first Alpine Village piece because it reminded me of our travels to Bavaria. At the Dept 56 25th Anniversary gathering in St Paul, I realized this
wasn’t just a cute ceramic house, it was the beginning of an addiction. I got connected with the Northern Lights Collectors Club, and gleefully expanded my collection.
I’ve held the club positions of President, Secretary, Newsletter Editor, and Club NCC Rep. |
Region 7
Ethel Campbell
Ethel retired after a career in Finance as CEO of a major Retirement Fund. Fell in love with and began collecting the Original Snow Village in 1980.
A Charter Member of The Four States Village People since its founding in 1991.
Through the years serving several terms as its President, Vice President, NCC Club Representative, Publicity Chairman, and Newsletter Editor.
Developed and presented various educational programs for the local club,
various regional clubs, and gatherings. Have served several terms as NCC Region 7 Representative and two terms as NCC Secretary. Also served on the Committee for the first NCC Anniversary Gathering.
Ethel and husband
Charles with son Robert have opened their homes and collections through the years to annual club member Holiday Tours and to the public for Charity Fund Raising events.
Department 56 collections include Original Snow Village; New England Village; Dickens Village; Christmas in the City; North Pole; Disney; NCC and other Exclusives; All Through the House and Snow Babies. |
Region 8
Sara Huhn
I have been involved with Villages since 1989 when my husband, Bill, gave me my first Snow Village building (the Colonial Church) as a Christmas present.
Since then, we have collected mostly Snow Village, some Dickens and Snow Babies. We also love our Merry Maker collection. Those little monks were introduced to us by Mike and Trisha Goode.
I have been a member of the Cowtown Villagers (Fort Worth, TX), North Texas 56ers (Fort Worth and mid-cities in the DFW metroplex) and am currently a member of the Arkansas Villagers.
It is an honor to be involved with the NCC in this capacity and it looks to be an exciting year. |
Region 9
Julie Jacky
Julie is currently
the president of the Windy City 56'ers and a member of the Ducky 56'ers.
She has served as chair /co-chair of the three Chicago Gatherings.
Julie and her husband have been collecting Department 56 Villages since
1985. |
Region 10
Frank Mapes
International Regional Representative
Maddie Pimenta
Maddie has served the North Shore Village Association of Massachusetts
in various capacities from president, Club NCC Club Representative,
Membership Secretary and Editor of their club newsletter. She worked on
the committee that put together the Northeast Harvest Gathering in
Connecticut. She has been a Department. 56 collector for over 20 years.
NCC / Department 56 Liaison |
Melinda Seegers
Department 56 Consumer Services
Melinda is affectionately known by collectors and Department 56 as MS
LIT TOWN. Her depth of product knowledge along with her undying
commitment to collectors and clubs holds her in the highest esteem by
all that know her.
Melinda is a devoted grandmother and
quilter. Her likeness has been featured in several accessories
including this year’s Ms Quilt Town.

NCC Advisory Council |
Tom Iacoviello
Tom belongs to the Northern Lights Collectors Club and started collecting while his family was vacationing in Orlando in 1986 and they spotted a D56 display at the Disney Christmas store. He was hooked from that point on. His first pieces were the Snow Village Cumberland House and Snow Village Cathedral and favorite building is the St. Paul's Cathedral. When not collecting he’s an IT Project Manager and loves playing bridge, he could play all day every day if he could. He joined the Northern Lights Collectors Club just before the 2001 D56 25th Anniversary Gala. Before then he wasn't even aware that there were collector clubs. Tom has previously served as Club President, Club Treasurer, NCC Club Rep, NCC Regional Rep (4 years) and NCC Treasurer (4 years). |
NCC Club Connection Editor
Judy Severance
The editor of the Club Connection is responsible for the overall content, layout, design and distribution of the NCC’s official publication |
Social Media Coordinator
Pete Baer
Pete and his wife Trudi
have been collecting Department 56 for 31 years. He was the president of
the Mid-Atlantic Village Gathering (MAVG) gatherings for the 2003, 2005 and the 2007 gatherings and was
the chair of the 2001 gathering. He has served as the treasurer of his
local club, the Annapolis Villagers since 1996. |
Zoom Coordinator
Chad Harmon
Chad Harmon and his wife, Melissa, have been collecting North Pole and Halloween since 2012.
After seeing a display at Bronner’s in Frankenmuth, MI a few years earlier, Melissa finally allowed him to start collecting once they moved to Long Island.
In 2013, they joined the Heritage Treasures Collectors Club of Long Island where Chad has served as the club Vice President for the last few years.
In 2020, he also joined the California 56 Collectors and Central Valley 56 Collectors after they started meeting on Zoom and serves as a technical resource for the clubs. |
New Club Liaison
Nancy Mattson

The New Club Liaison works with inquiries into forming a new club. They follow up on leads, provide assistance with information and support necessary to get the club organized. They also work closely with the interested individuals and the Regional Representative for that area ensuring that the Regional Representative is kept informed on how the new club is progressing. The New Club Liaison works with and mentors the new club for approximately a year as they work through their initial organization, adoption of bylaws until the dedicated assistance is no longer necessary.
Membership Chair
Robin Hervey

It all began with a stop to the local Hallmark Store in 1995 to pick out a birthday card. There, in front of him, began what has become his most cherished hobby…ever! That first Department 56 piece, Snow Village’s ’Skate and Ski ’ shop and 27 years of a ‘just one more’ mentality, has been pure joy for not only him but Robin’s family and friends. It has been the traditional gathering spot for many years of holiday parties surrounding his permanent display.
Robin has been a member of the California 56 Collectors since 1995 and is the current president, serving with an outstanding group of members who guide this club, in both physical and Zoom formats. He is happy to be serving in this NCC capacity which looks at membership as the vehicle for enhancing both established and new club’s missions.
Please click here if you are looking for a club near you. |
Associate Member Coordinator
Jeffery Kirchner

The Associate Member Coordinator is responsible for recruiting and communicating with those entities who are Department 56 dealers or are engaged in selling items directly related to the collecting of Department 56 products. |
NCC Honorary Members |
Jack Skeels
1993 |
As a club member and passionate collector, Jack
Skeels conceived the idea of the National Council of 56 Clubs while
attending a Bachman’s collector gathering in Minnesota. He envisioned a means by which all of the
Department 56 collector clubs could come together and share their
collective thoughts and ideas for club growth, meetings and future
gatherings. Sadly, Jack died in 2005 but the NCC continues to thrive
as he had dreamed. |
Judith Price
1993 |
her retirement in 2004, Judith Price served for many years as the
Manager of Consumer Services at Department 56. As MS LIT TOWN,
Judith brought the company
to collectors through her attendance at countless collector
gatherings, club meetings and retailer events throughout the United
States and Canada. Today, Judith enjoys her retirement with her
husband and family.
Judith Price's Memory Book
The NCC presented Judith Price with a Memory Book in honor of her
retirement at the NCC Dickens Festival at the Chicago Gathering
April 23rd. The book is 98 pages of pictures, cards and letters
arranged by region. It will certainly serve to spark special
memories of the many club members and good times as she traveled the
country meeting collectors during her 15 years with Department 56 as
Ms. Lit-Town. |
Paul Bachman
1994 |
Paul Bachman is considered the “Father of
Department 56 Collector Gatherings.” When the company saw the
overwhelming response to the new villages and retirements, it became evident to
Paul that somehow collectors needed to come together. From 1989,
until 1999, Bachman’s hosted annual gatherings in the Minneapolis
area for collectors. Today, Paul serves as president of Bachman’s. |
Peter and
Jeanne George
2013 |
As avid collectors and the former publishers of
numerous Department 56 related publications, including
Greenbook and
The Village Chronicle,
Peter & Jeanne George fanned the collector flame and left an
indelible mark in the hearts of Department 56 collectors to this
Today, Peter is a very sought after motivational
speaker and Jeanne operates a successful bookkeeping agency. |
Notable Figures |
Bazinet |
The NCC would like to acknowledge the passing of Department 56 Founder Ed Bazinet. Ed was the driving force behind the company’s early success and its long history. His vision and inspiration for the Villages has touched the lives of countless individuals and families as well as set in motion family traditions that will continue to be shared for many years to come. . |
Collector of the year |
The NCC Collector(s) of the Year shall be:
- A member or a couple of an NCC member club for at least five
- Is/are positive in thought, word and act, who positively promotes
their club, the NCC and Department 56.
- Is/are one(s) who encourages others in collecting.
- Is/are one(s) who gives of their time with their club, with other clubs and with the NCC
- Note - the size and scope of their personal collection should not
be the main component. This award is given from the heart and
therefore should incorporate the giving heart of the collector(s)
who is/are chosen.
- Previous NCC Collectors of the Year are not eligible.
- Is/are one(s) who volunteer time for club activities
- Is/are one(s) who actively seek out ways to find new members
whether it be for their own club, another club, or the NCC.
2020 Collector of the year |
Robin Hervey (right) with club member Patrick.
2018 Collectors of the year |
Martha and Barry Jack, and Julie Jacky
2017 Collector of the year |
Debbie Shelgren |
NCC President's Award |
The NCC President's Award is a milestone award that will be presented annually, beginning with the organization’s 25th Anniversary. The award shall have a broad reach in an effort to recognize an individual, individuals or entity who through their selfless actions have left a permanent and positive imprint on the National Council of 56 Clubs, its Member Clubs and Department 56 collecting. Recipients may include Department 56 employees, NCC officers, Clubs, individual collector(s), Associate Members, retailers and the like. The award(s) shall be presented, publicly, at the gathering of the sitting President's choice.
2020 President's Awards |
Pete Baer
Pete kept the website
humming along and was instrumental in setting
up the registration and voting aspects of the
Virtual Mini-Gathering. |
Judy Severance
Judy kept all of us
connected with the NCC Club Connection and put
together our marketing materials for our first-ever
Virtual Mini-Gathering. |
2018 President's Awards |
The first award was to Brian and Spencer Young of our esteemed Associate Member, City Lights. City Lights Collectibles has been an Associate Member with
the National Council of 56 Clubs since the beginning, and they have promoted and given prizes to many Gatherings over the past 26 years. |
The second award was to the Lemon Drop Committee of the Village Idiots, specifically Ellen and Hal Beighley, Fae Gimbol, Adrienne Masin, Andy MacTarnahan, and
Lynn and Dick Nichols. This committee was born of two simple questions: How could they liberate their Department 56 pieces from their Styrofoam sleeping chambers,
and how could they spend more time together in between the Village Idiots meetings? The answer was a small group of friends and some forgotten kids in need of a
smile at St. Mary’s Home for Boys—a 130-year-old organization dedicated to caring for the most damaged, disturbed, and troubled young men in Oregon.
They are using their little houses to make a little difference in the lives of a few kids who may feel forgotten, and making sure they know they’re remembered.
The NCC is very proud of these recipients. |
2017 President's Awards |
Melinda Seegers - Department 56 |
Harry and June McGowan - Dept. 56 Retirees |
| |