PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER! Also checks must be drawn on a US BANK. If not you must add $15.00(US)CLUB NAME: _____________________________________________ STATE: ___________
MEMBER ORDERING: ________________________________________________________
ADDRESS (no PO Boxes)_______________________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP: ____________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE: (______)______________ E-MAIL: ___________________________________
PLEASE ACCEPT MY ORDER FOR ______ JACK'S UMBRELLA SHOPS at $66.00(US) each TOTAL $ ____________
There is a limit of 2 per member. The cost of $66.00 includes shipping and handling. US deliveries are sent via UPS. Canadian sales will be sent via USPS Priority Mail. Orders are filled on a first-come first served basis WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. Your signature below signifies that you are a member in good standing of a current NCC member dub and also understand that all breakage must be reported to the NCC within 15 days of delivery for the claim to be honored.
Signature of Purchaser Member
Signature of Club Officer/NCC Rep verifying the
above purchaser is a member in good standing
of the club named herein.
TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED $_________________
For NCC Use Only:
Order taken by: _________________________________ Cash __________Check __________
Gathering name:____________________________________ Order Date:__________________
For NCC Treasurers Use Only:
NCC 2002 Dues Current?:___________________ Roster on file?:________________
Date order shipped:________________________________________________