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The "Tips & Ideas" that are on this page are a compilation of "Tips & Ideas" that were submitted by various Department 56 enthusiasts. These submissions were found at various places such as Facebook, Gatherings, club Zoom meetings, etc. The reason that we started this web page is to consolidate "Tips & Ideas" that were found in various places into one place where they would not get "lost". I would encourage anyone who has a "Tips & Ideas" suggestion to send it to the
socialmediacoordinator@ncc56.com for inclusion on the web page.
In order to view links on this page that are on Facebook, you must have an account on Facebook and be
a member of the "NCC56" Facebook group. Click here to join Facebook.
Click here to request to join the "NCC56" Facebook group
This will take to the the "NCC56" Facebook page and then select "Join Group" you will have to wait until one of the Adminstrators approves your request.